What will my child eat?
All snacks and lunches are supplied by the family, and should be age appropriate. We respectfully will review your child’s lunch, and if we deem it a choking hazard, will not serve it to your child, and return it to you. If your child has any special dietary needs, please feel free to speak with one of the directors. Your child will need two snacks and a lunch. Children’s snacks and lunches must fulfill nutritional value.
The following describes the components that make up a nutritional meal:
Serve all 3 components
Milk: Fat free or 1%
100% Juice or fruit or vegetable
Bread or Bread Alternate
Select 2 of 4 Components
Please note: No more than 1 serving of juice per day
Milk: Fat free or 1%
100% Juice or fruit or vegetable
Bread or Bread Alternate
Meat or Meat Alternate
Serve all 5 Components
Milk: Fat free or 1%
Choose one: Peanut Butter / Poultry/ Lamb/ Veal/Yogurt/Beans/Cheese/Eggs/Fish/Pork/Beef
Bread or Bread Alternate
Can my child bring items from home?
Children frequently want to share with their class nature items and treasures from home. Such items are especially welcomed if they support the topic being studied. It is always a good idea to check with a child’s teacher first before bringing such items to the Center. We do discourage children from bringing toys from home; although, some teachers will allow items of comfort, such as a soft cuddly stuffed animal, to be brought to school to help a child sleep more comfortably. When a child brings a toy from home it is sometimes difficult for them to share and the toy could get lost or broken. The staff will not be responsible if these items are lost or damaged. The Center does not allow at any time toys of violence like guns, swords, or violent action figures.
Will there be naptime?
We must provide a supervised sleep or rest period after lunch for children 18 months or older. This is a New York State regulation. Infants sleep as needed.
Can my child celebrate his/her Birthday?
The Center celebrates the children’s birthdays in age-appropriate ways in the classroom. The birthday celebration, however, is purposefully kept simple and child centered. Parents may bring items that are store-bought and labeled with the ingredients. These will be served during snack. The child’s birthday observance at the Center is not intended to take the place of each family’s special observance at home. Please note that no gifts will be exchanged and no treat bags or party favors will be distributed.
Which classroom will my child be placed in?
Placement of a child in a classroom is determined by age and developmental level. We want your child to be placed where his/her needs are met and their interest challenged. While we do accept input from parents about room assignments, the Inch by Inch Childcare Center Director and Teachers will make the final decision based on what is best for the child, other children, teachers and the Center.
What supplies will my child need?
Your child should be dressed in play clothes that are durable, comfortable and appropriate for play and for the season. We will go outside daily, weather permitting. Because a wide variety of activities take place at our Center, we recommend clothes that allow for freedom of movement. Many of your child’s favorite activities may tend to be a little messy, like finger painting and digging in the dirt, so again make sure the child’s clothes are suitable. At Inch by Inch Childcare Center children’s safety is of great concern, therefore, we ask that you send your child to school wearing a sturdy shoe that supports the foot properly and protects the toes. Sneakers with socks are the best. We will be climbing and running, and closed shoes are safest. We ask that you provide a complete change of clothing for your child to be left at school, including shoes and socks. In order to avoid confusion and lost items, label each article of clothing with child’s full name. Don’t forget, when the weather changes, send in snowsuits, boots, hats and gloves for the cold. Diapers, Wipes and a complete list of school supplies will be listed on your communication sheets if necessary.
What if my child gets hurt at the center?
Inch by Inch Childcare Center works hard to provide a safe environment for the children at all times. However, part of growing up can include bumps and bruises. Our Center is equipped with simple first aid supplies and if a child has a minor accident the staff will provide appropriate first aid to the child. When injuries do occur, we make two copies of a written report to inform parents about the accident. This incident report is to be signed by the parent, and one copy is for the parent and the other copy is kept in the child’s file. If a child has a serious injury, a trained staff member will provide first aid and you will be contacted to pick up your child. If there is an emergency requiring immediate medical attention, 911 emergency personnel will be called and the parent and/or then child’s physician will be notified. If a child needs to be transported by an ambulance, a staff member will accompany your child if the parent is not available. When the parent is unavailable, alternate names in the child’s file are contacted also.
Can I send my child to school if he/she is sick?
One of the most serious challenges facing group care situations for young children is preventing illness. Every effort is made by the Inch by Inch Childcare Center staff to prevent the spread of germs. We strive to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness, which includes frequent hand washing for children and teachers and instruction in hygiene to help minimize the spread of germs.
Inch by Inch Childcare Center uses the following guidelines to protect your child as well as others from contagious illness. We realize that this sometime can be an inconvenience for parents but we trust that you will understand the necessity for such a policy.
If any of the following conditions occur, while your child is in attendance, you will be notified and then your child must be picked up from the Center as soon as possible:
Fever, armpit temperature of 99.5 degrees or greater
Head Lice
Symptoms of an infectious disorder such as ringworm, pink eye, etc.
Communicable disease
Any other condition deemed necessary by the Director/ Teacher for the well-being of your child and the other children enrolled.
The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in facility activities.
The illness results in a greater need for care than the staff can provide without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other children.
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of disease is to have strictly enforced standards regarding the exclusion of ill children. We need your help for this. Do not bring ill children to the Center, and if your child becomes ill at the Center, please pick the child up immediately. If your child is diagnosed with a communicable illness/disease, please notify the Center. It is important for us to be aware of what children may have been exposed to so that we can communicate this with parents. Additionally, the Center must be informed of any change in a child’s medical history.
The 24 Hour “Symptom Free Rule”
The Center’s policy requires that your child be free of symptoms of illness: fever, diarrhea or vomiting for at least 24 hours. Fever-free means without medication for fever reduction. Please keep in mind that if we send your child home because of illness, the child will not be admitted to the Center the next day because the 24-hour period will not have elapsed. Do not rush a child’s return to school following an illness. The Center reserves the right to require a doctor’s statement before the child can be re-admitted to the Center.